Corporate Governance



> Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Practices

Prime Intelligence Solutions Group Limited is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance. The Board is of the view that enhancing public accountability and corporate governance is beneficial to the healthy development of the Group and enhancing the confidence and protection of customers and suppliers.
The Company has adopted the Corporate Governance Code (the “Corporate Governance Code”) as set out in the Company’s Listing Code on 14 February 2018 (the “Listing” The date is in effect and has complied with the Corporate Governance Code for the year ended March 31, 2018, with the exception of the following deviations. The Board continues to monitor and review corporate governance principles and practices to ensure compliance

Chairman And Chief Executive Officer

CG Code provision A.2.1 stipulates that the roles of chairman and chief executive officer should be separate and should not be performed by the same individual. Mr. Yuen Kwok Wai, Tony is the chairman and the chief executive officer of the Company. In the view that Mr. Yuen Kwok Wai, Tony is one of the founders of the Group and has been operating and managing the Group since June 1999, the Board believes that it is in the best interest of the Group to have Mr. Yuen Kwok Wai, Tony taking up both roles for effective management and business development. Therefore the Board considers that the deviation from the CG Code provision A.2.1 is appropriate in such circumstance.

Directors’ Securities Transactions

The Company has adopted a code of conduct regarding securities transactions by Directors (the “Model Code”) on terms no less exacting than the required standard of dealings set out in Rule 5.48 to 5.67 of the GEM Listing Rules effective from the Listing Date on 14 February 2018.

Upon the specific enquiry made to all the Directors, the Company was not aware of any non-compliance with the Model Code regarding securities transactions by the Directors for the period from the Listing Date during to 31 March 2018.

Board Of Directors


The Board currently comprises 8 directors, including 2 Executive Director, 1 Non-executive Directors and 3 Independent non-executive directors.

Executive Directors

Mr. Yuen Kwok Wai, Tony (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Ms. Yuen Mei Ling, Pauline
Mr. Wang Yicheng
Mr. Lin Shixing
Mr. Hui Cho Lung

Independent non-executive Directors

Mr. Chung Billy
Mr. Poon Wai Hung Richard
Mr. Ke Tianxiong

Board Committeess

Audit Committee

Mr. Chung Billy (Chairman)
Mr. Wong Ching Wan
Mr. Ke Tianxiong

Nomination Committee

Mr. Chung Billy (Chairman)
Mr. Wong Ching Wan
Mr. Ke Tianxiong
Mr. Wang Yicheng

Remuneration Committee

Mr. Chung Billy (Chairman)
Mr. Wong Ching Wan
Mr. Ke Tianxiong
Mr. Wang Yicheng
Ms. Yuen Mei Ling, Pauline

All directors have given sufficient time and attention to the affairs of the Group. Each executive director has sufficient experience, knowledge and execution ability to hold the position so as to carry out his duties effectively and efficiently